St. Joker

St. Joker

Cidade/EstadoChapecó / SC

One Dose of Regrets

Composição: St. Joker.
Am I confused about that / or are we on the same land? I don’t understand why / this stays inside my head Give me a dose of regrets / because I can’t move on This time you’ll not see why / I hide myself away So I will leave this behind This is my past, I’m sure that I (can leave with no regrets) It’s just one life to see / what I thought that really mattered Things that I had to say / but I will keep with me It’s just one way to see / how the things must go on Can I be in peace and / forget about these fucking days? So I will leave this behind This is my past, I’m sure that I (can leave with no regrets) So open up your mind to look around This is my last chance to see (and live with my regrets) Regrets for following your ways I tried so hard to make you stay Putting up with your shit everyday Nothing left inside, just go away! So I will leave this behind This is my past, I’m sure that I (can leave with no regrets) So open up your mind to look around This is my last chance to see (and live with my regrets)




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