Imagem de capa de Sub Rosa
Sub Rosa

Sub Rosa

Cidade/EstadoEsmeraldas / MG

Less Than Two

Composição: Reinaldo José & Alexandre Salgueiro.
When the experience of the world becomes unsafe If you look so hard at me, breakdown, I freak But behind this shieldscreen, I’m close, yet far away from you I curse and I fight, I hate, my love I swear And then I’m cast astray (to share a meme) No ground and no root. All links to discard I exchange a screen for a book… Highcolour gray As long as the virtual is better, be locked is clever Fresh air becomes so hard to breathe I must choose a side now. But I can’t see lines Dividing good from bad ones, the Truth from lame lies The Four Living Beings from Me. How could I choose a way, when there’s less than two? “An atheist fleer murderer broke into a house And found there some children a priest had kidnaped to rape. But this same priest’s been the one who feeds and helps for years the homeless and the infirm of the vicinage” Is one of them good? Is one of them bad? Can you see some difference between these men? Is one act enough to doom or save one of them? Is there another way to face it? You must choose a side now. But you trace dangerous lines Dividing good from bad ones, the Truth from lame lies Gaslighted by fake news and creeds You think you chose a way, when there’s less than two




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