Imagem de capa de Sylvestra Bianchi
Sylvestra Bianchi

Sylvestra Bianchi

Cidade/EstadoCuritiba / PR


Composição: Sylvestra Bianchi.
in this great place of learning calls earth old souls chose to come to the karmic wheels one hundred and forty-four thousand light beings inner seeds for a fast spiritual awakening this is the calling of source over the call of the ego in this calling of gaia let’s go LIGHT WORKERS LIGHT WORKERS LIGHT WORKERS IT’S TIME TO UNITE LIGHT WORKERS LIGHT WORKERS LIGHT WORKERS IT’S TIME TO UNITE wayshowers, grid workers, healers, lightkeepers servants of world, servants of mankind not better or higher than anyone else but working a puzzle to evolution and enlight LIGHT WORKERS LIGHT WORKERS LIGHT WORKERS IT’S TIME TO UNITE LIGHT WORKERS LIGHT WORKERS LIGHT WORKERS IT’S TIME TO UNITE synchronies have attracted us everywhere … 11:11 ELEVEN ELEVEN ACTIVATING EVERYTHING 22:22 TWENTY TWO TWENTY TWO CO-CREATE REALITY 33:33 THIRTY THREE - THIRTY THREE IN GREATER GOOD, IN HIGHER D




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