

Cidade/EstadoLondrina / PR

End Of The Line

Composição: José Vinícius Frossard.
Spent some time Looking at the space And realized The end of the line is not the end The end of the line is not the end Those friends by your side are not your friends The tears they cry are not regret The way they lie is not self defense But the end of the line is not the end! You’d better ask it someone Tell it face to face And try to convince The end of the line is not the end! The end of the line is not the end! “Till death do us part” died yesterday The old love song had changed the name The safest secret was kept in vain But the end of the line is not the end! I won’t make up your mind Better leave back the ones you don’t trust by your side Solitude, sometimes is bliss! Would you like to risk yourself being victim of a Judas kiss? Spent some time Looking at the space And realized The end of the line is not the end (The end of the line is not the end ) The end of the line is not the end (The end of the line is not the end ) The end of the line is not the end!




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