Imagem de capa de The Gilligans
The Gilligans

The Gilligans

EstiloPunk Rock
Cidade/EstadoAlvorada / RS

Can't Seem To Make You Mind

Composição: Ramones.
I can't seem to make you mine I can't seem to make you mine You fly around like a bee Hurtin' everything you see I try everything I know To make you wanna love me so The only things you do Is try to put the hurt on me Can't you see what you're doin' to me You fill my heart with misery In every breath and step I take I'm more in love with you Can't go on like this A little bit of love and not one kiss I've gotta have your love every day Love that's real and will stay I can't seem to make you mine I can't seem to make you mine I can't seem to make you mine I can't seem to make you mine Can't you see I can't seem to make you mine I can't seem to make you mine Come back baby to me And my misery I give you love night and day Never ever go away I can't seem to make you mine I can't seem to make you mine I can't seem to make you mine




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