Imagem de capa de The Jams of Militia
The Jams of Militia

The Jams of Militia

Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP


Composição: Renan Coelho, Fernando Del Rio, Victor De Santi, André Capocchi.
Two thousand seventeen transmission, the new age Technology on! Ready to start Machines keep on growing, there’s no end for this Evolution The factory keeps producing, ain't matter the pollution Profit is over than anything that has more value Agreements no longer do part of the plans, you fools The interest of making money is more important than ever Fuck the life, fuck the planet and fuck you This evolution you said? Look what we've made and now we have no control! We have some problems detected, can I call it evolution? We are being controlled like puppets, ordered to obey But it doesn’t even matter while we have money to pay Media has the power to command our way The interest of making money is more important than ever Fuck the life, fuck the planet and fuck you, just give me you gold This evolution you said? Look what we've made and now we have no control! Low battery, last just some minutes to change Consciousness is what we need TJM turning off




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