Imagem de capa de The Lumberjacks and The Cavalry
The Lumberjacks and The Cavalry
Cidade/EstadoBlumenau / SC

Mississippi River

Composição: Sandro Padial, Tiago Fagundes.
Music: Mississippi River Band: The Lumberjacks and the Cavalry Composer: Sandro Padial / Tiago Fagundes Me and My friend, We follow down the road. By the Mississippi river, Down in the Route of blues. Looking through mirror, The south cities girls I can even wait After 3 shots, We got possessed by a nun Singing hard melody, Crazy human being Memories from Dixon land, Always brings me here How can I forget Walking far way the rain was fowling down I wish I could go back to those many small towns No matter how hard it is I will always lead you there Road, love, tears and rain turn me back to that dream again When the sun goes down World wets my eyes I’m despaired to cry Lovely hard year Kept in my memories This feeling will never die




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