Imagem de capa de The Outcast
The Outcast

The Outcast

Cidade/EstadoPatos / PB

Messin With Fire

Composição: Felipe Dutra.
Our life is under the headlights and I have the blackspot in my sight which I only get when I am filled up in hate. I haven't slept in months and yet my patience keeps on being tested you just failed to know that's one thing I never had. You gave me the right to be an asshole when you crossed a line I warned you twice you shouldn't be messin' with fire soon I'll be free and I will shove your lies down your throat I see fear in your mothers eyes for every time she hears a bike she runs inside to check if you're still fine And I also see fear in you you got trapped in your lies, like we're spiders, you flies and the same net we dine is the same net where you'll die You gave me the right to be an asshole when you crossed a line I warned you twice you shouldn't be messin' with fire soon I'll be free and I will shove your lies down your throat I'm an asshole but I'm freakin awesome ask your mother and she will tell you and she better warn you ''stay away from that asshole'' for he won't bother doing what he came to do




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