The Wheels Band

The Wheels Band

Cidade/EstadoCaxias do Sul / RS

Fly On Fire

Composição: Johnny/Joh.
Fly On Fire I dream about myself There's cotton on my nose I am on fire inside You dream about yourself There's cotton on your nose You are on fire inside I can't say it It's too deep inside I'd rather leave it like that Before I explode (chorus) I am on fire I am burning I am in the shadows of my mind I fall on a chair There're things to eat But they discust me even more You fall on a chair There're things to eat But they discust you even more (chorus) I think about the world There's so much to think I don't need to sleep You think about the door You can't go in Will the treasure be a sin? Fly on Fire Fly on Fire Fly on Fire Fly on Fire Fly on Fire Fly on Fire




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