Thiago Schiefer

Thiago Schiefer

Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

Tale Of Forecoming Lore

Composição: Thiago Schiefer.
I am here to tell to you Of the stories of the past Of a time we went beyond the nature's strip I'm here to tell you of a time Of the centuries gone by When our kind was up in glory and turned to dust Our chemistry went “beyond” Our weapons were so much We had the means to bring up life and end it We used water freely During endless hours to see Though we knew that water was at it's end Please, people of this New era of the earth Undo the scars we brought upon the planet's face I know of many who believed Wood was there for us to take But we ripped off mercilessly the world's lung I know of more who even thought Their actions meant of naught That their deeds would never hurt the place they lived But now you see that the greed And the egoism of that race Took away the most of them, away from life Please, people of this New era of the earth Undo the scars we brought upon the planet's face




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