Imagem de capa de Venomous


Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

I Pray As I Prey

Composição: Calegari.
Lyrics: Bonal As I kneel before death My silent heartbeat is all I hear Condemned by my beliefs Damnatio ad bestias Force fed belief, no choice remains Divine Inquisition No tolerance for heresy From sacrifice, there is no way out Crossing the world in this endless crusade To purify all my sins and mistakes. Leaving behind the opponents remains I pray as a prey Father, defend me Don't let this be my final breath I pray as a prey Father, welcome me For I can't fend off all the beasts My faith decays, no salvation Tired of living, praying isn't worth the time My sweet revenge, my legacy In death, I found a meaning to life I share my last breath with thousands of souls And feel the joy of a whole lifetime My brief moment with the divine I pray as I prey My god, they fear me More than I fear you myself I pray as I prey My god, witness me My name shall reach posterity




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