Imagem de capa de Vinicius Bertozzi
Vinicius Bertozzi

Vinicius Bertozzi

Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

São Paulo Sunrise (Feat. Raquel Gattermeyer)

Composição: Vinicius Bertozzi.
São Paulo, San, São Paulo San, São Paulo, São, São São Paulo, San, São Paulo San, São Paulo, São, São São Paulo, San, São Paulo San, São Paulo, São, São São Paulo, San, São Paulo San, São Paulo, São, São São Paulo sunrise I would rather I would rather I would rather I would rather A broken heart is one of the worst things A broken heart is one of the worst things A broken heart is one of the worst things in the world A broken heart is one of the worst things (Pain still in here) A broken heart is one of the worst things (Pain still in here) A broken heart is one of the worst things in the world But honey I have hope and so should you Another day again I dreamed about Another day again I dreamed about Another day again I dreamed about you Another day again I dreamed about (Was it in Japan?) Another day again I dreamed about (Was it in a new land?) Another day again I dreamed about you Another day and I fall for you all over again I would rather I would rather I would rather I would rather I could see you and the Sun at the same time I could see you and the Sun at the same time I could see you and the Sun at the same time Ah... São Paulo, san, São Paulo Sunrise




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