Imagem de capa de Vinicius Gigante
Vinicius Gigante

Vinicius Gigante

Cidade/EstadoVitória / ES
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Imagem de Vinicius GiganteVinicius GiganteViolão, Programações, Guitarra, Flauta, Baixo


Vinicius Gigante, Brazilian, multi-instrumentalist musician and music producer, is from Espírito Santo, born in Vitória-ES. He was influenced by artists such as Pink Floyd, Marillion and Jethro Tull, not only for his music, but also for his audiovisual art based on the unusual and psychedelia. In his first instrumental EP called Any Color you like, released in 2017, Vinicius Gigante brings his influences on guitar timbres inspired by David Gilmour, the striking flute of the Ian Anderson style and musical concepts from progressive rock, hard rock, blues and jazz.
Today, producer and beatmaker in the lo-fi style, he understood that there is a lot of similarity and the possibility of making atmospheric music that activates the listener's emotions, such as progressive rock. Artists such as Lofi Fruits,Purple Cat and Chill Fruits Music are referenced. In their songs, there is always harmony between the sounds and proposals for interiorizing the themes covered in the songs.

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