Imagem de capa de violet sun
violet sun

violet sun

Cidade/EstadoMesquita / RJ


Composição: violet sun.
How is it to be proud of something? Usually, I've been so disappointed When did everyone get so cold? I still wonder, is there any hope? Now all I see Is people getting on tv And I cannot feel any better Please stop acting like it doesn't matter World has become World has become so toxic I'm trying to ignore I'm trying I can't deal with it World has become World has become so toxic Help me wake up Help me get out of here Got my phone, first thing when I woke up Then the sun on my face forced me to get up And looking outside for the first time in a while I could cry and smile at the same time You let me see That I can still be happy And every day you make me realize that the birds still sing but World has become World has become so toxic Be by my side I know You and I can fight it World has become World has become so toxic You opened my eyes We can be the change it needs




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