- Giant Red And Cold3 plays
- Spitzer Estrelares Solitude2 plays
- Spitzer Estrelares Forever3 plays
- 2 The Shine Of The Starsmúsica nova
- Life From The Earth4 plays
- Intro Spitzer Estrelares3 plays
- 1 Infinite Black Space9 plays
- The Moon4 plays
- 3 The Full Moon Lights Me Up4 plays
- Heaven As Ball2 plays
- Spitzer Estrelares Umbra Eclipse Partialmúsica nova
- 4 Interspace,,Sad Song2 plays
- The Cosmo1 play
- 5 Miss1 play
- The Cloudy Ghost61 plays
- 6 Lifemúsica nova
- Lunar Eclipse63 plays
- 7 Dance With The Devil2 plays
- 8 Silent1 play
- Spitzer Estrelares Life1 play
- Spitzer Estrelares Silentmúsica nova
- Spitzer Estrelares Miss3 plays
- Spitzer Estrelares The Binary13 plays
- Intro Campo Magnetico3 plays
- Spiral Galaxies195 plays
- The Particle1 play
- Spitzer Estrelares Winds Uplift Tingmúsica nova