- Radio Vox4.359 plays
- Candles795 plays
- Carnavoyeur (Cover)603 plays
- Gods In The Garden98 plays
- Like A Broken Doll41 plays
- In My Head714 plays
- Close Enemies21 plays
- Mirror To Mirror11 plays
- Fear Of Today237 plays
- Invisible264 plays
- Rabbit Hole1.994 plays
- Lies And Crimes233 plays
- Evil Mind177 plays
- Love's Born To Die455 plays
- If You Disappear212 plays
- Holy Sh T (Seven Feet Down)340 plays
- The Wolfs Waiting267 plays
- Modern Love55 plays
- This Lullaby344 plays
- Radio Vox - Album Version11 plays
- Luck Around196 plays
- Evil Hare175 plays
- Monsters183 plays
- Medication For All18 plays
- Its All About126 plays
- Cigarettes And Loneliness249 plays